Shipping & Delivery Policy

Welcome to our valued customers 
Please note that in order to meet your requests as soon as possible, we cooperate with the best shipping companies in the Egyptian market as long as shipping is within the scope of the Arab Republic of Egypt, however, errors or damage to the products may occur by the shipping company, and in the event that any damaged order arrives to you, please tell us and through us we will understand and appreciate the situation and we will communicate with the shipping company to limit whether the damage is caused by them or not and in order not to have any problem in receiving orders as a result Order damage or delay, please let us know promptly so that we can help solve the problem 
Please note that orders within Greater Cairo arrive at the maximum district within three working days.  
And outside Greater Cairo, it reaches a maximum of five working days 
In case of delay, please let us know through live chat through our store 
Or by phone: 01558329482
We wish you abstinent shopping and convenient shipping